Welcome To It Girl!

"IT" is that quality possessed by some which draws all others with its magnetic force. With "IT" you win all men if you are a woman—all women if you are a man. "IT" can be a quality of the mind as well as a physical attraction.
Self-confidence and indifference whether you are pleasing or not—and something in you that gives the impression that you are not at all cold. That's "IT".
-Elinor Glyn

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It Girl Artist "Too Fly": N.Y.C's Leading Female Grafitti Artist

I was looking up artists on the internet and I happened to find this chick, "Toofly".I'm so jealous, her work is awesome!It turns out that she attended S.V.A.(The School of Visual Arts) in N.Y.C. and now she has her own artists fashion line going.Its really cool. You need to check it out! I've never seen anything like it before!Her art skittles are crazy!I've never seen a modern day artist this talented before! She's like the Mariah Carey of Art. I want her to paint the walls of my house for me with a giant mural of hers on every wall. Her work is a big inspiration for any of you artists out there who want to make a living off of your work. She has a vision of color, and balance which not a lot of people have if you turn on Project Runway, or walk into M.O.M.A..(lol) There aren't a whole hell of a lot of famous female artists out there who are this damn good!!or interested in that matter in doing graffiti art! This chick should be in The Metropolitan Museum of Art! I'm happy I found out about her.So, support the artists and check out both of her pages. Her My Space and her Official website. Too Fly is the It Girl Artist!!

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